Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fist Pumpin @ The Jersey Shore

So I must admit that the main reason why I created this blog was not just for my disdain for reality TV as a hole...but for my immense disdain for one particular reality TV program...The Jersey Shore...Now I will also admit that I am a bit jaded with my hatred toward the show because I had an opportunity to work on the show during its inaugural season but turned it down to work on another show that at the time I thought had a better chance of sustaining interest, but flopped, so I guess you can say my hatred is laced with a bit of jealousy. That being said you cannot dispute the popularity of the show and its entertainment factor. I however do not like the show. I don't  approve of what it stands for and the messages it portrays to its younger audiences.

Point in case, my 13 year old cousins idol is the "Situation"...A guy known for his elaborate haircuts, 6 pack abs and knocking himself unconscious by beating his own head against a wall during an argument with other cast members in the house. I find this alarming...when I was 13 my hero's were men of grandfather, a man who came to this country with $17 to his name and worked his entire life so that now he can have over a million in the bank, or  Micheal Jordan, a man who transcended the NBA and sports in general. Not some drunk fool who "gets with" a lot of woman at clubs...What has the "Situation" ever done to improve society...or even attempt to...Dancing with the stars????

I also think the Jersey Shore promotes unhealthy and violent relationships. The star couple of the show (Ronnie and Sammi) are known for their terrible fights, breakups and make ups. Heaven knows what we are not shown and what the cameras don't  record...This puts the wrong idea of a healthy relationship in the heads of young teens who might just be starting out in the dating word...which is already tough enough without seeing these two every week blow up at each other. It promotes non stop partying and binge drinking...all they do on the show is go out and drink, stay home and drink, go to the beach...already inebriated. I mean "Snookie" (who was arrested for being a publicly drunken fool on the beach) was paid 32 grand by Rutgers University to be the key note speaker at their most recent Graduation. Snookie, a girl who's probably never stepped foot into a college classroom...but I'm sure has stepped stumbling foot into many a frat house or dorm rooms.  And her most memorable quote from her speech? " Study hard, but party harder" Like really? This is just absolutely ridiculous to me. Oh and last years previous graduation key not speaker at Rutgers...Nobel Prize Winner Toni paid less to speak than she did...That just shows you the true price of an education...and Rutgers priority scale...

The show also glorifies violence...every episode there are fights, and not just arguments but fist fights...The very first time I heard about the shows success was after an infamous fight at a club where one of the female characters got punched straight in the face by one of the male characters....last time I checked that was illegal...but yet after that episode was when the show gained the height of its popularity...Come ON!

Personally I just think the Jersey Shore is an abomination and glorifies people who don't deserve the attention.  Especially with the economy the way it is and unemployment being so high its a shame that these bums are being paid millions of dollars to "GTL" (Gym, Tanning, Laundry). This is exactly whats wrong with our society and our country, its exactly whats wrong with MTV who has now done a complete 180 from Music Television from its conception to Shitty Television such as Jersey Shore and Teen Moms. I guess you can say my review of the Jersey Shore is not a very good one. This show is the exact reason why NJ and Reality TV get a bad wrap...I mean the state of NJ banned the shooting of the show, that's why they had to go abroad over to Italy to shoot the most recent season. They're not wanted in their own country nor the initial state the show was meant to take place in. I get it, viewers want to see sex, hott guys and girls making out and tons of controversy...but to what extent...and at what cost?

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